Think FAST! Is your loved one having a stroke?


Think FAST! Is your loved one having a stroke?

  • Jun 16, 2017

Stroke can occur very suddenly and without warning when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or bursts.

It can affect people of all ages (not just the elderly!)

A stroke can cause permanent brain damage or even death, but when recognized and treated quickly, sometimes the damage can be stopped or reversed.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Stroke?

Each patient may experience a stroke differently, but common signs include:

Difficulty speaking, slurred speech, being unable to form words, or being unable to understand what others are saying

Drooling or difficulty swallowing

Drooping on one side of the face

Trouble seeing in one or both eyes

Weakness, numbness or paralysis - especially on one side of the body

Sudden, severe headache

Dizziness or Loss of Balance



Any single one of these symptoms could be a stroke -- a real stroke victim might not have all of them.

Learn the FAST Check


The American Heart Association encourages people to know the FAST check:

F = Face -- Ask the patient to smile widely. Does he have drooping on one side of the face?

A = Arm -- Ask the patient to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S = Speech -- Ask the patient to say "The Sky is Blue." Is the speech slurred, nonsensical or absent?

T = Time to Call 911 -- if you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, immediately call 911 to report a possible stroke.

Always err on the side of caution. If you're not sure, CALL 911.

"Time is Brain" -- the longer you wait, the more permanent brain damage may be caused.

Empower yourself with real knowledge on how to respond to a stroke and many other emergencies – Take a First Aid CPR Class Today!

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